How To Overcome Stage Fright–4 Useful Ways I Apply
If you know me, then you'll know how I like to showcase my undisputable love for singing. And what better way to do this than to stand on a stage and put all in. Well, that's the thing! Each time I do step on a stage to sing, it's like all the confidence in me just scampers away and my heart starts beating like a drum.This happens to a lot of people and as a result, true potentials aren't always displayed.
All that is in the past now, because I found a way to beat that fear to a pulp—four ways actually.
#1 Deep Regular Breaths
Okay, so the trick about easing the tension in the air is deep regular breathing. It's one important thing I've learned to do in my...let's say, scrape! I realized that I always get cold feet before a performance but I also realized that taking deep breaths helps slow my heart rate, thereby, calming my nerves.
#2 Focus
This is a major tool in overcoming stage fright. There is no backdoor to it. As humans, we are prone to negative thinking and statements; oh I can't do this, what if I mess up? I figured they're just words and thoughts, they don't mean anything unless I make them to. So for that moment, I make it all about the message I want to pass across and don't get distracted.
#3 Practice Makes Perfect!
What better way to beat stage fright than being prepared? I remember in high school when I was on the debate team. I'd spend quality time and effort practicing with my team until we got it right. And in the end, it was worth it[we won]
My point here is, our practice gave us the confidence we needed. We knew our subject and our speech so well, we had no reasons to be nervous. All of the words just came out fluently and confidently.
One reason why people fear speaking in public is lack of preparation. Seriously, nobody want to mess themself in front of everyone, that's a no-no. So, if you fall in this category, I suggest you should spend more time and effort to ensure preparation.
#4 Believing
This is the best part. Honestly, it took me a while achieve this but I did achieve it. Believe in yourself—I can do it, I am winning. Combat every negative thinking and let positivity take over. Even in worse case scenario, when you don't get the results you want, you'd still feel good about yourself because you built a high self-esteem and did your best. People would surely recognize that and acknowledge you.
There are still a lot more ways to overcome your fear of stages but I highlighted the ones that have helped me out. I hope they help you as much as they did for me. À bientôt!
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